I've been reflective lately. So I thought I'd throw together a little slideshow of 2008, and some of the things I did that got me where I am in 2009. It's quite lovely if you ask me. Song: Rock and Roll Artist: Stephen Ashbrook From January to December, Montastic's 2008:
Well...I had my last soccer game for a while tonight. Though our new season starts next week (and my outdoor season starts 2 weeks after) I was advised by the doctor to hold off. We'll see if that happens.
First of all, my MRI didn't show ANYTHING. No tears, no damaged meniscus tissue, no cartilage issues. NADA. Hmm.
Second, I'm going back in this week for a follow up now that he has more info. I assume more poking and twisting is in order. Ouch.
Third, it's likely I will be put on a PT rehab program for my knee. Though I'm not quite sure how this will work if they don't know exactly what they are rehabilitating.
So...blast! I don't know what's wrong with robo-leg. I just know that it hurts ALL the time. Always. As in non-stop. Except during soccer. So maybe my PT man or PT lady will let me keep playing.
The moose was loose for one last time tonight. And we did well.
something about this makes me smile. it's so simple and lighthearted. from the blog itself: "The rules are simple: I put the self-timer on 2 seconds, push the button and try to get as far from the camera as I can." perfect.
This morning I'm taking my robo-knee to the doctor. I figured that, after hurting in late Nov/early Dec, the fact that it still hurts me is not a good sign. Not to mention I can't really bend it all the way...or put much weight on in when it IS bent, for that matter. I WAS waiting until the end of soccer season and snowboard season. Though this was probably not the best choice. I only have one more soccer game. And well, snowboarding will be around next year if I have to call it quits early this season. So.....wish me luck! My appointment is in an hour, and I'm nervous! Let us all hope I don't need another surgery. I think the two I've already had are sufficient, don't you? Yikes! I'm scurrrrrrred.
More fab vintage advertising "You're looking at a revolution." Am I? Really?
So sweet and cute! "Every one of these sticky notes attached to a building on a street in Antigua, Guatemala is inscribed with the message, "Te amo, Cristina." This photo took Honorable Mention in the Places category of the recently ended National Geographic International Photo Contest. "
Here it is folks....the V-Day post, three days early.
You see, Montastic will be out of town for the commercially created holiday, in the town of P.
First, a song and a card for my honeypants:
(if you haven't heard of someecards yet, you've been missing out on an e-card site that has brought me joy for years)
Second, a card for my single friends. Ha! Brilliant.
Third, the look all classy ladies must achieve on this, the day of the fat little cupid child:
Fourth, a Montastic take on this holiday -- I like it! And even when I haven't had a Valentine, I've enjoyed it. All the hearts and red crap everywhere. It makes me feel like love is in the air. And love is a beautiful beast of a thing.
Now, I'm not the girliest gal in the saloon, but I have become girlier in recent years on account of a few things: A. I discovered sexuality --rad! B. Boys started liking me THAT way --rad! C. I started wearing heels regularly --sexyrad! D. I blossomed into a maneater --hungryrad!
So, as the non-girliest but slightly girly gal in the saloon, I must say, even I appreciate flowers and romance and those classic symbols of love we were taught at a young age. Everyone likes to feel like a pretty pretty princess sometimes, so dammit...I enjoy getting all of those hearts and red crap.
If you don't have a Valentine, it's cool. Last year I had three. My ladies: Chase, Robyn, and Perry. I'm sure you recall the sonnets I wrote to all of them a short year ago. So if you won't be enjoying sexy-love this Saturday, enjoy friend-love, it's the best!
In other news, I ate all the chocolate I bought for my Valentine. Sorry my dear sweet prince of pants-parties.
First, I find it unprofessional when a business associate responds with one-word answers to emails and includes an ellipses. For example: "Did you get the so-and-so document yet? I wanted to make sure as so-and-so deadline is quickly approaching." "Yes..." What the hell does that mean? Full sentences please. No mysterious dot-dot-dots. Other examples of bad ellipses scenarios: "Did you get tested for herpes?" "Yes..." "Do you like to punch small kittens in the face?" "No..."
Second, If you try to make a shot on my goal, I will throw down my patented "The Moose is Loose" move, and naturally block your shot. Also, my team is tied for first place in the league, pending Monday's game. Wish us luck.
Third, It looks like I enjoyed the cheese, even as a wee-baby. Look at the chin. Double your fun!
Lastly, I'm so tired this week. I may go to bed soon. It's not even 6pm. What is the world coming too. Sheesh.
There's come a point in life when you are not only faced with Big Boy Decisions, but you actually have to make one.
By Montastic's definition, a Big Boy Decision (BBD) is one an adult would have to make, taking into consideration all the adult-y things (eg: finances, economy, relationships, security, etc).
BBDs are no fun. I have been faced with a few in the last couple years, and they are the hardest to make because sometimes it appears that there is no right or wrong choice.
I am currently faced with a BBD. And know not what to do.
You can make lists of pros/cons, ask friends and family, pray (if that's your thing), sleep on it, ask for answers from a tall glass of beer, or just keep putting it off until you have no choice anymore and the decision has been made for you.
Anyway, it's interesting to think about BBDs. Especially with relationships. At what point in a relationship do you stop making BBDs for yourself and start making "us" decisions? The BBUDs (Big Boy "Us" Decisions).
Is it when you know he/she is THE one? Is it when you are too scared or lazy to make the decision yourself? Is it after a certain amount of time in a relationship? Is it when you're married or engaged? Frankly, Montastic has a hard time making "us" decisions as she is a fiercely independent lady--afraid of basing her life around and with someone else.
Well, I may have fibbed earlier. I'm not faced with a BBD. I'm faced with a BBUD. And know not what to do.
So I have turned to the most flawless method of decision making:
Hmm...as you can see, even this method of decision-making is flawed!
Mom: i don't like morning workouts. what is morning wood? Montastic: um...when a man is erect upon waking up Mom: ohhhhhh....of course, my daughter has to teach me Montastic: of course
What a outstanding project idea by art Linda Hesh. She placed metal benches in temporary locations around DC. One saying "FOR" the other saying "AGAINST" and asked people to participate by posing for pictures on them and writing things they were either for or against.
The site has some of the pictures. A number are serious, regarding war, poverty, rights, etc. But a few of my favorites regard the little things in life. And as you may know, I'm a fan of the little things. Just a few gems from her project (ok more than a few, a bunch):
Well, change is around the corner. What will happen, I'm not quite sure yet. But, over the last couple weeks a lot already has.
I saw one of my best friends (who I worked right next to) get laid off, while I was fortunate enough to keep my job.
As a result, work is now twice as busy and still lacks something.
I had my boyfriend in town from Portland to celebrate his birthday last weekend, and it was the best time we've had yet.
As a result, his leaving back to Ptown makes me question my residence in Denver.
I wished Perrypants goodbye this morning, as she makes her return to Sweden for four months.
As a result, I don't know when I'll next see her as I may move states before she returns.
I moved old pictures to my external hard drive for storage. I then deleted them from my desktop CPU.
As a result, I deleted old friendships, past relationships, a lot of great memories, and a few bad ones.
Needless to say, there's a lot on my mind about what the next year brings. It is January. It is a year of change. Just watch.
Don't get me wrong though--things have been great! Here are a few silly pictures from Perry's time in Denver for the holidays and my honey's birfday bonanza weekend.