Wednesday, November 12, 2008

wonderful wednesday

So, today is a good day (and will be a good day) for a number of reasons.

First, my pulled quad from Monday's soccer game feels mucho better-o (which is mandarin for "still sore but healing.")

Second, I have now survived one month of a long distance relationship. Granted we've been apart a while, but only officially together since we've been apart...if that makes sense. Uhhh...duhhhh. What?! Anyway, This is a huge step for me, if you know me at all. And it has definitely been hard. And I have a lot more to go. I should put it my achievement book. With an exclamation point. (done and done)

Third, my cousin gets here tomorrow night for a lovely weekend o' girly mayhem! We have big plans to eat tacos, make pumpkin pie, go to the Grizzly Rose and get our cowgirl on, revisit the breakfast place that was closed last time, and of course--giggle and pillow fight!

Fourth, I ate a Montastic Pumpkin Pretty with my coffee this morning. And it was almost better than sex. Almost.

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