Thursday, January 27, 2011

increased cheese payload

Ok.... every single thing about this headline makes me happy. Every. Thing.

Of course, for those who know know I'm particularly interested in the last line.

Hells yes. First of all, jalapeno poppers are probably the most amazing appetizer in the whole wide world. Cheesy, spicy (though not as spicy as I'd like), breaded, fried, poppin.

Secondly, cheese? Get outta town with that talk. You know what cheese does to me.

Third, the use of the world payload is a wordgasm. I work with automotive advertising, in which payload generally relates to thousands and thousands of pounds of goods. ie: a shitload of cheese.

Here's the article that details the brilliance of making poppers even larger. Why you ask? Increased cheese payload of course.

Within the article there's a link a different article that discusses the new pepper. The Jalmundo ! It's a contraction of the words jalapeno and mundo..."implying that it is as big as the world." Exaggerate much? Yes please.

Why did I think of that? Om nom nom nom... drooolz.

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