Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Kinda Sutra

I stumbled across this video on YouTube this morning and I thought it was really neat to listen to people (adults and children) talk about where they first believed babies came from.

From the YouTube description:
"Where exactly do babies come from? And how are they really made?
Mixing humorous animation and interviews, Oscar winner Jessica Yu poses these Mixing humorous animation and interviews, Oscar winner Jessica Yu poses these questions to a variety of adults and youngsters who explore their earliest understanding of sex, conception and how the two, uh, intersect.
With humor, affection and nostalgia for youth's lost naivete, Yu's subjects recall some of their earliest experiences with - and misconceptions of - sex and babies and all things thereof. The stork, of course, makes an appearance, as do other less conventional elements, including floating airborne seeds, a tree, pollywogs and an unexpected bathroom fixture. This very personal, Indian-themed riff on the Kama Sutra provides a glimpse into how we think about sex and what we learn along the way." favorite is the guy who thought when he made a #2, a baby might come out--and he was afraid of it drowning. So silly and amusing.

I don't remember how I first thought a lady got pregnant. But I do remember thinking that they just cut it out of the stomach. So..that's not too far off. Hmm. How did you first think babies were made?

Be warned, there is oh-so-graphic language in here: the word "penis"! Oh my! Please click on the link since I am unable to embed the video itself into this post.

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