Saturday, March 29, 2008

look ma, i'm an after picture!

on this, the 60th pound anniversary of Fat Mon...or Fattastic as I shall call her for the purposes of this blog... i am finally releasing the pictures. i have kept them hidden for a while. there have been demands to see them. in a way, this is therapeutic. for i am no longer Fattastic.
So, embarassed and proud at the same time, I present to you all a couple pictures of Fattatstic...juxtaposed with a recent picture of Montastic.


Anonymous said...

As in the present, you were in the past. The joy in your heart, is a joy that will last. You changed when you wanted, you made it your own. Physically, mentally, you've definitely grown. Emotional change, brings physical growth. As your father I know that, I'll always love both. Your health and well being's important to me, you've accomplished a lot but there's more, wait and see. And I couldn't be more proud of you and for you. Dad

The Artistic Mercenary™ said...

Dammit, I was totally gonna post something filthy and then I see your Dad's comment and now I can't do it! So I'll just say: Woo-hoo! and Yay, Mon Mon!