Anyway, I feel great. I pushed myself really damn hard. and, once again, I'm completely impressed with what the human body can achieve. If you had told Fattastic of 2 years ago that Montastic would do this, she would have probably doubted you.
My mom kicked some butt too by running the whole thing at altitude! Good for her! Sea level is for sissies, as they say.
A couple pix:
5:30 AM before leaving for the race

After finishing and feeling rather dandy! So excited that I made a stranger take my picture since I had no one to share my personal victory with.

The dashing duo - finished running and sweaty as all heck.

Buon Lavoro!!
That's awesome! And reminds me yet again that I have absolutely zero desire to run 6 miles. Still, good for you. I'm proud of my Mon Mon.
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